Comments on: Basic Folk 183 – Brittany Haas A podcast featuring honest conversations with folk musicians. Fri, 30 Sep 2022 01:25:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: johnny w Fri, 30 Sep 2022 01:25:32 +0000 This is a great interview, very satisfying for questions asked–anticipated–what a fan might want to know. Having listened to dozens of Brittany’s performances I had no idea who she “is”. One might say Molly T is over-abundantly interviewed, while Brittany the opposite. (love Molly). Very interesting that Brittany took lessons from Jack Tuttle. I recently discovered “old time” fiddle music, and Brittany is always popping up in Youtube videos. I bought the latest album of Hawktail, which brilliantly retains “memories” of old time, if at times merely in the band’s instrumentation, but always moves into new realms. Britanny’s patented style, musically full of exquisite filigrees and right-on time, also consists of her being always well- groomed on stage, even in less formal settings. Not to mention, and one will studiously not mention her beauty, she never fails to draw in all others in the band, and audience, with her welcoming stage-presence and eye-contact.
