Basic Folk 121 – Phil Moore of Bowerbirds
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Phil pic by Libby Rodenbough
Bowerbirds have been off the radar musically since 2012’s The Clearing. Lots has changed for the B-Birds, which now centers solely around Phil Moore since his bandmate and former partner Beth Tacular has left to concentrate on her own artwork. 2021 sees a new Bowerbirds album, becalmyounglovers, and a new version of Phil himself. He writes to his fans “It’s been 8 years since you’ve heard new Bowerbirds music and you and I have changed in ways that we couldn’t have imagined back then.” Phil’s intense connection to nature remains, as he has always been drawn to the outside world starting as a kid, going to college for biology and moving to North Carolina in 2005 for a job as a bird tracker. In our conversation, we probably spend way too much time talking about birds and birdwatching. I came to find a real appreciation for the activity hearing about it through Phil’s experience and just might be inspired to pick up a field notebook and night vision monocular myself. It seems like a very calm and grounding experience, which can also be said for the music of Bowerbirds.
There’s also a deep dive into different kinds of anxiety that Phil experiences, which seems to be mostly logistical/non performance panic. He talks about different ways he understands and manages fear and anxiety. I also basically give him a lecture about how important his music is to people because it has meant so much and helped me through so much. Helping people has been one of Phil’s main objectives for Bowerbirds and I’m here to tell him straight to his face that he’s doing it. Now let’s all go birding. Phil is so good. Thank you Phil.
Bowerbirds video for “The Party”
New Bowerbirds album, becalmyounglovers: