Basic Folk – Field Music with Paul “Bird” Edwards

In the “Field Music” series on Basic Folk, we talk to musicians about a particular song they have learned through aural tradition; through family, a teacher, friends or a perfect stranger. We get the story of the performer, who they learned the song from and the story behind  the traditional or public domain tune. This episode features percussionist and rubboard player Paul “Bird” Edwards, from Eunice, Louisiana. We (producer Laura McCarthy & I) met Bird at Miles of Music Camp while he was teaching a class in genuine Creole music. Over the course of the week on the island, Bird grew to be more of a family member than a friend. We heard from his friends who were at the camp with us (like The Revelers) about how beloved Bird is in Louisiana. It was such a treat to be able to record an interview and a couple of traditional Creole songs with Bird at the helm. Please enjoy!

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